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The Power of Video Communication:

The Power of Video Communication: Unlocking the Potential of Visual Storytelling


Mar 08

Have you ever commissioned some work, only to later realize that you were completely misunderstood? Then you know how important clear communication is. But how often have we experienced explaining our ideas in meetings, only to end up with blank faces staring back at us? The truth is, it's not easy to convey complex or abstract concepts with words alone. And that's exactly why video communication is such a powerful tool.

Let's be honest: we've all been in that situation where we're in a meeting and someone asks us to explain our ideas. We talk and talk, but in the end, our counterpart just looks at us confused. We know they didn't understand a word, but we don't know how to make it understandable to them. The answer is simple: video.

Whether we're communicating with our team or our customers, we want to make sure we're using the most effective means. And that's exactly why video communication is so powerful.

Imagine a picture is worth a thousand words, right? Well, then a video is worth at least a million words. That's how I see it, anyway. But in all seriousness, video is an incredibly powerful communication tool. It's estimated that one minute of video is worth 1.8 million words, making it an extremely efficient way to convey your message.

How our brains process images

It all comes down to how our brains have evolved over time. We process visuals much faster than text because writing is a human invention and our brains are trained to process stimuli as it occurs in nature. Over 60’000 times faster in fact, if you believe some of the popular infographics floating around on the web. Even though this exact number seems to be disputed and no specific study could be directly sourced to validate this number (at least I couldn't), it remains true that visual information is essential for navigating our surroundings and interacting with others. The human brain is adept at processing visual information and we can take in a great deal of information quickly and efficiently.

Our brains have evolved to be especially sensitive to visual cues so that we can quickly identify potential dangers and opportunities. The ability to take in visual information quickly and accurately has been critical for our survival as a species.

The human brain is wired to process visuals, because they are essential for our survival. We can take in a great deal of visual information quickly and efficiently, and we are especially good at interpreting facial expressions. But more about this in a later post.

Bottom line is: if you want to facilitate your communication goals, be that for marketing, training or any other means of communication, you are much better off to “show” than just “tell” your audience.

The case for video in communication

There are many ways to leverage the power of visual communication. We all do it already and show powerpoints and charts during meetings. Try reading your monthly sales figures off a sheet of paper next time you’re in a meeting and see what sticks. Visual aids are everywhere; from pictograms to billboards; and of course video.

It’s easy to distribute

One of the main reasons for video’s increasing popularity is that it is a very easy medium to distribute and get to your audience . With just a computer and an internet connection, you can upload a video and share it with the world. This is incomparable to not so long ago, when your available distribution channels were limited to TV and maybe movie theatres. And it is already much easier than distributing traditional forms of media, such as books or newspapers. The publication barriers between your video and the world have virtually disappeared.

It’s popular

YouTube, Vine, and other video-sharing websites are among the most popular destinations on the internet. According to a study by Pew Research Center, 46 percent of American adults watch news videos online. This number is especially high among young adults: 63 percent of 18- to 29-year-olds watch news videos online. It is clear that video is an important part of how Americans consume information. While this is an american study, These numbers are easily translate to populations elsewhere on the planet.

The popularity of online video has led to a number of changes in the way people get their news. For one, it has created a new type of journalist: the videographer. In addition to text and photos, many news organizations now include videos in their reports. This gives viewers a more complete picture of the story.

Online video has also changed the way people share news with each other. Instead of forwarding an email with a link to a story, many people now send links to videos. This allows friends and family to see the news in a more visual way.

Video can also be used to inform people about important issues that they might not otherwise hear about. For example, in 2013 two journalists from Vice News uploaded a video about the Syrian Civil War called "Syria: The hidden war." The video was seen by millions of people and helped raise awareness about the conflict.

Online video is not just for news stories, though. Many people use it to watch entertainment videos, such as music videos or comedy sketches. In fact, according to YouTube, people watch over 1 billion hours of videos per day on its website alone. That’s equivalent to nearly 115,000 years!

It is clear that online video is an important part of how we consume information today. It allows us to see news stories and important issues in a more visual way, and it provides us with entertainment options that we can access from anywhere.

It’s very very effective at what it does

With video, we can easily and quickly communicate our message in a way that is simple and concise. We don't have to worry about getting lost in the details or losing our audience's attention. Video allows us to focus on the key points and deliver our message in a way that is both engaging and effective.

Not only is video effective in conveying complex messages, but it's also highly engaging. People are much more likely to watch a video than they are to read an article or blog post, which makes video the perfect medium for getting your message in front of as many people as possible. And once you have their attention, you can keep them engaged by telling a story or using humour to make your point.

Video is an excellent way to explain complex subjects in a way that is easy to understand. The visual aids help to break down the information and make it more relatable to the audience. This information is retained by the audience better than if it was just spoken aloud. The combination of visuals and audio helps to keep the viewer's attention and makes it easier to follow along. Video is also great for engaging the viewer and keeping them interested in what is being said.

Why Video Is So Powerful

Radiation Hazzards

1. They're short

This is probably the most obvious benefit of using video clips and animations in marketing and communication: they're short. In today's world, people have shorter attention spans than ever before, so it's important to communicate your message in a way that can be digestible in a few minutes or even seconds. Video clips and animations are the perfect format for doing this.

2. They're visually stimulating

Another benefit of using video clips and animations is that they're visually stimulating. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with images, it's important to make your message stand out from the rest. Video clips and animations help to do this by grabbing attention and holding it long enough to deliver your message.

3. They're easy to share

Another great thing about video clips and animations is that they're easy to share. In today's world, social media is one of the most powerful tools for marketing and communication. If you can create a video clip or animation that is easy to share on social media, you will reach a much wider audience than if you were to rely on traditional methods of marketing and communication.

4. They're memorable

Another benefit of using video clips and animations is that they're memorable. Because they are visually stimulating and easy to share, people are more likely to remember your message if it is delivered via a video clip or animation. This is especially true if your video clip or animation is funny or otherwise memorable.

5. They can be used again and again

Another great thing about video clips and animations is that they can be used again and again. Unlike other forms of marketing and communication such as print ads or television commercials, video clips and animations can be reused multiple times without losing their effectiveness. This makes them an extremely cost-effective way to market and communicate your message.

6. Video are attention grabbers

There's no denying that we live in a world where everyone is constantly bombarded with information from all sides. Whether it's scrolling through our newsfeeds, flipping through channels or simply walking down the street, we are constantly being bombarded with new messages and images. So how do you cut through the noise and make sure that your message is heard? The answer is simple: video!

Films and animations are some of the most powerful tools at our disposal when it comes to catching and holding attention. Our brains are wired to respond to movement, so even the quickest glimpse of an moving image will instantly pique our interest. And once we've started watching, video has the unique ability to keep us engaged in a way that other mediums simply can't match. Whether it's the power of storytelling or the immediacy of action, video has a way of keeping us glued to the screen.

So if you want to ensure that your message gets heard, there's no better medium than video. With its ability to grab attention and hold interest, video is the perfect way to cut through the noise and get your message across.

7. They're fun!

Last but not least, one of the best things about using video clips and animations in marketing and communication is that they're fun! Let's face it: most people would rather watch a short, funny clip than read a long article any day of the week. If you can deliver your message in a way that is entertaining as well as informative, you will reach a wider audience and have more success in getting your message across

Video is one of the most powerful tools at our disposal when it comes to communication. It's visual, personal, and concise—three qualities that are essential for effective communication. If you're not already using video communication in your business, then you're missing out on a huge opportunity to more effectively reach and engage your target audience.

So, if you're looking for a more efficient way to communicate your message, look no further than video communication. It's an incredibly powerful tool that can help you get your point across quickly and effectively.


There are a few key reasons why video communication is so powerful. First, we have talked about it: it's visual. When we see something, it sticks with us much better than when we only hear about it. Second, it's personal. When we see someone speaking directly to us, it feels more intimate than just reading a blog post or listening to a podcast. And third, it's concise. We can pack a lot of information into a short video without overwhelming our audience or losing their attention.

What started with a small website for uploading personal videos called “Youtube” not even so long ago, has radically changed the way we inform ourselves and want to be reached. In just a few short years, video has taken over the internet, becoming the preferred method of communication for millions of people. Our media consumption is undergoing a paradigm shift away from the TV in our living rooms to wards when we want it and where we want it. And it's only going to get bigger. Thanks to new technologies, video is now more accessible than ever before. Improvements in streaming quality and reduction in buffering time have made it possible to watch video on even the slowest internet connection. And with the proliferation of mobile devices, we can consume video anywhere, anytime. Whether we're watching cat videos on YouTube or streaming the latest blockbuster movie on Netflix, video is quickly becoming the default choice for internet users. There's no question that video will continue to play an important role in online consumption in the years to come.

The bottom line is this: if you want to communicate a message effectively and efficiently, there's no better medium than video. It's engaging, entertaining, and easy to consume—which makes it the perfect tool for getting your message in front of as many people as possible. So next time you're stuck trying to explain something complex, try breaking out the camera and putting your message into motion. Trust me, your audience will thank you for it.

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