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Lab Solutions

Lab Solutions

Mettler Toledo


Projekt Kurz

We embarked on a journey to create a film that would pay tribute to the unsung heroes of the laboratory world, the explorers in lab coats. Mettler Toledo's Lab Solutions division offers a comprehensive range of products and services for laboratories across 5 key industry segments, from the pharmaceutical industry to science. The challenge was to create an impactful and memorable film that would stand out in a rapidly evolving digital market where consumer attention is shifting towards more time-efficient information sources such as online videos. These sources provide highly condensed and informative information that forms the basis for better-informed purchase decisions.


Mettler Toledo knew they needed a film to establish themselves as market leaders in laboratory products in key industries. They wanted to communicate their comprehensive range of products and services and position themselves as a competent and reliable partner for their customers. They recognized that videos are the most effective way to reach and engage with potential customers in today's digital age. We developed a concept that films don't sell products, emotions sell products. Films are the best when it comes to conveying emotions. We aimed to create a film that communicated the message and made the audience feel it. To be successful, we created a film that was visually stunning and emotionally engaging. We paid tribute to the unsung heroes of the laboratory world and showcased the capabilities of Mettler Toledo's Lab Solutions division. The film was an emotional journey that connected with the audience on a deeper level and helped to establish Mettler Toledo as a leader in the industry. We focused on the core message and kept it simple and easy to remember. We avoided overextending resources, which can lead to compromise, and instead created an ode to the explorers in lab coats. The film was more than just an information video, it was an emotional journey that connected with the audience on a deeper level. The film we produced for Mettler Toledo's Lab Solutions division is a stylish ensemble of selected stock footage and product shots filmed at the company's facilities. By utilising a combination of real-life footage and product shots, we were able to bring the emotional appeal of the explorers' story to life while also showcasing what Mettler Toledo has to offer. This approach allowed us to create a visually stunning film that was both engaging and informative. The stock footage was carefully chosen to illustrate the story of the explorers, while the product shots provided a glimpse into the capabilities of Mettler Toledo's Lab Solutions division. The combination of these elements allowed us to create a film that was both informative and emotionally engaging, a perfect way to showcase the company's products and services while also establishing them as a market leader in the industry. The film we produced for Mettler Toledo's Lab Solutions division was a true visual and emotional masterpiece that not only communicated the message but also made the audience feel it. The combination of real-life footage and product shots allowed us to masterfully capture the passion of the explorers in lab coats and showcase the capabilities of Mettler Toledo's Lab Solutions division in an unparalleled way. The result was a film that was not only visually stunning and emotionally engaging, but also incredibly impactful and memorable. It was a film that helped to establish Mettler Toledo's Lab Solutions division as a true leader in the industry. The response to the film was nothing short of extraordinary, with over 17,000 views in just four months - a 30x improvement compared to similar films from the same channel. This is a testament to the film's ability to reach and engage potential customers from all over the world, highlighting the advantages of Mettler Toledo's Lab Solutions. The film not only captured the hearts and minds of viewers, but it also positioned the division as a competent and empathetic partner in the laboratory industry. It was shared and liked on social media, and has been used as an effective marketing tool for the company. The film marked a new direction in how marketing services can look like, and it was well received by the audience. It was able to communicate the message and the audience felt it, making it a perfect way to showcase the company's products and services while also establishing them as a market leader in the industry. This film was a true ode to the explorers in lab coats, capturing their passion for discovery and showcasing the capabilities of Mettler Toledo's Lab Solutions division. We're proud to have been a part of this exciting project, and we're honored to have helped our client achieve such incredible success.

01 The challenge

Mettler Toledo's Lab Solutions division wanted to establish themselves as market leaders in laboratory products in key industries, and needed a film to communicate their comprehensive range of products and services while positioning themselves as a competent and reliable partner for their customers.

02 The solution

We developed a concept that was based on the fact that films don't sell products, emotions sell products. We created a film that paid tribute to the unsung heroes of the laboratory world and showcased the capabilities of Mettler Toledo's Lab Solutions division. The film was an emotional journey that connected with the audience on a deeper level, using a combination of real-life footage and product shots.

03 The result

The film was a hit, generating over 17,000 clicks within 4 months of its release and positioning Mettler Toledo as a leader in the industry. It was shared and liked on social media and has been used as an effective marketing tool for the company. The film marked a new direction in how marketing services can look like and it was well received by the audience.
