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The extreme agricultural initiatives

The extreme agricultural initiatives



Projekt Kurz

In 2020, the business association scienceindustries faced the challenge that two agricultural initiatives, which had strongly polarized the population, would be voted on in Switzerland in the summer of 2021 In the run-up to the vote, the trade association scienceindustries turned to soma to use an animated film to show the negative consequences of adopting the initiatives for regional food, among other things.

To achieve the desired result for scienceindustries, we developed several concepts to be used in combination with other communication campaigns. After intensive consultation with the client and extensive review, we finally decided on a lovingly designed animated film created by two talented female artists. The film focuses on the core messages of scienceindustries and convinces with clear and memorable illustrations. We are proud that this film helped to influence the voting results in the sense of scienceindustries and to achieve a successful outcome. Thanks to the close cooperation with scienceindustries and the cost-efficient production process, the film was released on time in the important weeks before the vote. The feedback from Sabrina Ketterer, the responsible communications officer at Scienceindustries, was extremely positive. The collaboration with soma was described as open, creative and pragmatic, and scienceindustries' wishes were implemented quickly and professionally. The animated video and the content for the newsletter and social media channels perfectly complemented the campaign of IG Pflanzenschutz. The film explained the most important arguments against the initiatives briefly and clearly and visualised them in a memorable way. The call to those eligible to vote against both initiatives was shown clearly at the end, but without a raised forefinger. The final goal was achieved: both agricultural initiatives were rejected. We not only produced the animated film for scienceindustries, but also created all social media content for all relevant channels. In doing so, we coordinated closely with the client to tailor the content to the needs of the target group and convey a clear and consistent message. We focused on lovingly crafted and visually appealing language to ensure the content was accessible and easy to understand for the target audience. The result was content that was both informative and entertaining, and increased audience engagement on social media channels. We are proud to have been able to provide our client with a comprehensive solution that was both high quality and effective. The animated film for scienceindustries achieved high interaction rates on the various social media channels. On Youtube, the film reached 3161 views, on Twitter 1082 impressions and on LinkedIn 6299 video views. The campaign attracted a lot of attention on social media. The video was shared more than 10,000 times on Facebook and Twitter, and on LinkedIn it received more than 3,000 views.

"The explanatory video by soma, as well as the content for the newsletter and social media, perfectly complemented IG Pflanzenschutz's campaign. The most important arguments against the initiative were explained briefly and clearly in the video and presented pictorially. The appeal to the voting public to vote no twice was shown clearly at the end, without pointing fingers. The final goal was achieved: both agricultural initiatives were rejected."

Sabrina Ketterer Communication, scienceindustrie

Projekt Kurz

This collaboration between scienceindustries and soma resulted in an animated film that explained the core messages of scienceindustries and supported their campaign against two agricultural initiatives. The film was created by two talented female artists and received positive feedback from Sabrina Ketterer, the responsible communications officer at Scienceindustries. Soma also created social media content for all relevant channels, tailored to the needs of the target group, and increased audience engagement. The campaign achieved high interaction rates on various social media channels and successfully influenced the voting results in favor of scienceindustries.

01 Die Herausforderung

Der Wirtschaftsverband scienceindustries stand 2020 vor der Herausforderung, im Sommer 2021 über zwei Agrarinitiativen abzustimmen, die die Schweizer Bevölkerung stark polarisiert hatten. Ziel war es, die Bürgerinnen und Bürger zu motivieren, sich kritisch mit den negativen Folgen der Initiativen auseinanderzusetzen und sie an der Urne abzulehnen.

02 Die Lösung

Um diese Herausforderung zu meistern, hat soma in Zusammenarbeit mit scienceindustries einen effizienten Animationsfilm erstellt, der die starken Argumente gegen die beiden extremen Initiativen wirkungsvoll präsentiert. Der Film wurde mit liebevoll gezeichneten Illustrationen gestaltet, um die Fakten leicht verständlich zu machen und an die Vernunft der Schweizer Stimmbürger zu appellieren.

03 Das Ergebnis

Das Ergebnis war ein Erfolg, denn der Animationsfilm und die begleitenden Inhalte für den Newsletter und die sozialen Medien ergänzten die Kampagne der IG Pflanzenschutz perfekt. Die wichtigsten Argumente gegen die Initiative wurden prägnant und anschaulich erklärt und illustriert. Der Aufruf an die Stimmbürgerinnen und Stimmbürger, beide Initiativen abzulehnen, wurde ohne erhobenen Zeigefinger präsentiert, und das Ziel wurde erreicht: Beide Agrarinitiativen wurden abgelehnt. Das Video wurde 3161 Mal auf YouTube, 1082 Mal auf Twitter, 6299 Mal auf Video und 24839 Mal auf LinkedIn aufgerufen. Der Kampagnen-Newsletter in deutscher und französischer Sprache wurde an rund 3145 Personen verschickt und hatte eine Öffnungsrate von 25% (rund 816 Personen).
